The magical community in Cat’s Paw Cove brings together another sweet romantic couple. Don’t let this being book 25 in the series put you off because it truly is a stand alone romance. Reading the previous books will bring a small smile to your face when you encounter the residents in the story but you don’t need to know them or their backstory to get the most out of Must Love Cats.
The story of Cat’s Paw Cove is that the founding families were magical, right down to their pet cats, and that magic has filtered down through the generations as the town has grown. It’s become the secret pretty much everyone knows about. To keep such a massive secret Wynter Daniel has created a cast of characters that are a charming mix of wacky and caring leaving you will a super cute feel good sweet romance story.
genre: paranormal romance
Heat Rating: Sweet
(Sex scenes happen off screen/Fade to Black but are mentioned in the story)
Page Count: 114